'Herzlich Wilkommen!'

'Memorie Dolcie' is all about my cherished memories. It also contains reviews of movies I really liked and articles on various scenarios. Writing, for me, has been an important aspect of my life, so me without a blog, is like a fish out of water. So, this is what I give you. At times, my articles are extremely naive, but then, it's just me. A warm thank you is extended to Ms. Arundhati Chatterjee, my second cousin (yes, my Niece, brightsparks!) and help when it comes to reviewing my articles. Hope you like my blog. Any queries can be directly addressed to me at rrivubanerjee@yahoo.in Auf Weidersehen!
Thank you,
Rrivu Banerjee

Monday, May 23, 2011

An ode to the Unsung Hero

Draped in a white sari she looks
A lifeless glimmer in her eyes. 
She sits on the sidewalk as thousands
Of feet pass her.

Today is a special day, she recalls
A day that changed the world. 
The eye has turned chaste, years of memories
She recollects.

She remembers the day she felt
Worthwhile for once.
Having fled from a husband abusive
She sat by the street.

That day it poured, as if
Heavens seemed in accordance with her.
The first rain of the year, a concoction
Of happiness and grief.

Exhilarated as she was, quite obvious the emotion,
 She named the child Jim.
The sound of tears that made her smile
Was a sound unforgotten.

On and on years passed by,
The first words he spoke.
Her elation knew no bounds when
 'Maa,' she had heard.

Henceforth life went on,
To school the little boy went.
Yet, the mother stayed back on that pavement
To make him his lunch.

And then came the day that changed
The lives of both these beings.
A letter from a boss that took
Jim away and afar.

Hurt she had been, yet took immense pride
At her son's successes and the beginning of a new stride.
She dabbed her moist eye with the tunic
As she bid him goodbye.

Since then, years have passed,
Life has moved on. 
She has been asked to leave 
The room she called home.

Today as she remembers her son's birthday bright
Deep down, she hopes that he would
Once at least call on
A mother missing the glimmer of her son's eyes.

She still recalls his darkish skin,
Hair rough and eyes light a brown.
And today as she keeps his birthday,
It's a sea of emotions that fill
A tear drop from her eyes.

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